Asteroid Hunters (2020)

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Sinopsis Film Asteroid Hunters (2020)

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Venture into deep space for a fascinating look at asteroids, their cosmic origins and the potential threat they pose to our world. Written and produced by Phil Groves, produced by Jini Durr and directed by W.D. Hogan, Asteroid Hunters introduces asteroid scientists – the best line of defense between Earth and an asteroid’s destructive path – and reveals the cutting-edge tools and techniques they use to detect and track asteroids, and the technology that may one day protect our planet. The effects of an asteroid impact could be catastrophic and while the current probability of an event in our lifetime is low, the potential consequences make the study of asteroids an incredibly important area of scientific research. Witness the latest in planetary defense and how science, ingenuity and determination combine to explore the world’s most preventable natural disaster.

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Asteroid Hunters (2020) Sub Indo Cinema21 Gratis Lk21 IDLIX

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